Fox News (or as I call it, Faux News) is an example of what happens when Murdoch (and his factotum Roger Aisles) gain control of an enterprise.( Let us not forget that it was Aisles who stampeded the press into calling the election for Bush in 2000, thus giving George jr a leg up in the setttlement of the contest.) It becomes an entertainment company and all the other journalistic media in the country (except Rush Limbaugh) regard it with contempt. This is warranted, but it ignores the political problem Faux News creates -- that is the constant drone of Faux News continually stirs the choleric in the Tea Party and the body politic and contributes to the polarization of the nation. In addition the WSJ provides a platform for the rabid conservatives to spew their venom and hatred into the national bloodstream: Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and their ilk regularly spin the news to the benefit of the radical right. This is not to mention the platform he gives to the Bush architects of the iraq war: Feith, John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Eliot Abrahams.
This is the first of a series nipping at the heeels of the WSJ.
Enjoy. Infinite material here to raise your blood pressure.
The glory of our journalism: WSJ