Extreme attenuation of right wing voters formerly Ethnic Cleansing of...
This article explores the right wing use of semantics to smear and discredit their enemies and opponents and suggests that liberals adopt a semantical offensive to make the world unsafe for Republicans.
View ArticleA poem for che guevara, 40 years later
Aided by the CIA (without whose help it would have been impossible) Bolivian soldiers caught and murdered in cold blood Che Guevara 40 years ago. Thus creating the legend and curse of Che. The...
View ArticleEthical Cleaning of Neocons, conservatives
In my last Troll Diary (for the benefit of those with deficient sense of humor) I proposed that felicitous phrases be made into common currency in order to do to "neocon" and "conservative" what Reagan...
View ArticleMichelle Bachmann for speaker
Politics is entirely too serious, and everyone is deadly earnest, even when the importance of being earnest is obsolete.Jon Stewart has brought much needed humor to the political process, but even he,...
View ArticleRomney: Sociopathic and psychopathic lying
Everyone knows that Mitt Romney lies. Everybody just takes it as the kind of lying a little boy does when he wants to be captain of the baseball team, or to be elected most popular. But there is more...
View ArticleDon't appoint Kerry Scty of State
Rumors circulate that John Kerry, Mass senior Senator might be appointed Secretary of State. This is an insane idea. Hand Scott Brown an empty seat? Madness. Also Kerry's day is about done. Don't...
View ArticleThe Reptilecans shell game
It amazes me that no one comments on the pile of elephant shit in the living room.All of this refusal to raise taxes on the obscene rich is a cover for the true motive.It's the estate tax they really...
View ArticleMitch McConnell for Secretary of State
Joking? Of course. The point is appointing John Kerry Secretary of State is asking to get Scott Brown (an additional Republican senator) back into the Senate. How stupid is that? Stupid enough to...
View ArticleHow to improve the Supreme Court
Given that the Supreme Court has become an embarrassment to the country it is probably time to consider some ways to improve it. Herewith some totally original ideas. Including doing away with Thomas...
View ArticleA message to Russia with love
Czar Putin is busily trying to restore the greatness of Stalinist Russia. Naturally, since this involves eating parts of Ukraine the neighborhood is upset. We (the US) has reacted angrily arming the...
View ArticleAdios, Democrats, lesser of two evils
Raised a democrat by intelligent and educated parents and an admirer of Roosevelt from almost infancy. Didn't despise Republicans, just considered them misquided. Thought Ike was plausible, but...
View ArticleBeat the voter ID bastards at their own game
Members of this site won't need to be informed about the GOP effort to disfranchise minority and democratic voters by enacting "voter ID" laws. There is something we can do about it. Read on.
View ArticleUPDATE on whitehouse petition to issue photo id social security cards with...
Issue Social Security cards with the recipient's photo. Petitioner suggests that there are numerous benefits to be gained by improving the Social Security card by adding the recipient's photo to the...
View ArticleThe ten major obscenities of 2014--vote now vote oftn
Ten major obscenities of 2014 Political porn. The Republican party ISIS — Bremer—Maliki Rupert Murdoch political leader obscenity: Erdogan, Assad, Putin pakistan Mitch Mcconnell the supreme court...
View ArticleAn economically feasible way to seal the southern border
Distressed by the all too obvious economic shortcomings of plans to seal the border against Mexicans desperate to be exploited by low wage employers, I took it in hand to make a shallow (very shallow)...
View ArticleThe glory of our journalism: WSJ
Fox News (or as I call it, Faux News) is an example of what happens when Murdoch (and his factotum Roger Aisles) gain control of an enterprise.( Let us not forget that it was Aisles who stampeded the...
View ArticleUnanswered letters to the Wall Street Journal
Whenever the WSJ publishes some outrage or assault on the truth we send them a letter. Naturally they ignore the letters. Herewith written when their star columnist propagated lies and outright...
View ArticleWhy are they running??? Who can explain it??
Waking from a Rip van Winkle dream one is astounded to find a klutch of dwarves running around the political landscape in an unmitigated chaos. Gathered about the feet of Donald J Trump and reaching...
View ArticleA Dear John letter to the Democratic Senate campaign committee
March 15, 2016Dear DSCCI am writing you this letter to explain why I am not contributing to the party or its candidates this year, and in hopes that someone might actually read it and that someone...
View ArticleMillion (wo) man tweet attack on Dodgy Donald
On June 18-19 one million citizens will gather to deluge Crooked Donald with insulting, humorous scurrilous, mind bending tweets. Two purposes are in mind: one, to drive him crazy, and two to...
View ArticleUntitled Story
Is Donald J Trump a psycopath?Like most of the country I knew about Trump before he appeared like a black swan or a golum in the Republican primaries. He became an object of my contempt in reports...
View ArticleIs Trump a psychopath?
Is Donald J Trump a psycopath?Like most of the country I knew about Trump before he appeared like a black swan or a golum in the Republican primaries. He became an object of my contempt in reports...
View ArticleDonald Trump, psycopath
Donald Trump, classical psychopathLike most of the country I knew about Trump before he appeared like a black swan or a golum in the Republican primaries. He became an object of my contempt in...
View ArticleMirror mirror on the beautiful wall...
Mirror mirror on the beautiful wallWho’s the most obese of all?For one there’s a bloated beautThe vicious and mean NewtThen there’s the nihilist servantOf mammon, fat Steve BannonThen there’s gross...
View ArticleMake Trump pay his own green's fees at mar a lago
Limit Tax Money Spent on TrumpsTo be delivered to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald TrumpLegislation must be passed to limit the amount of our...
View ArticleHow to diagnose Trump as a psychopath
Hare Psychopathy ChecklistAscientific way to analyze the TrumpsterDefinitionThe Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is a diagnostic tool used to rate a person's psychopathic or antisocial...
View ArticleMirror mirror on the beautiful wall -- a verse for the obese psychopath...
Mirror mirror on the beautiful wallWho is the most obese of all? First there’s that bloated beautThe vicious cynic NewtThen there’s that nihilist servant of Mamon fat Steve BannonNext there’s that...
View ArticleA prayer and a curse and hex for the Trumpster
God (Siri, great Juju) Jesus, Allah Whoever fulfills your prayersprotect me and the country from Donald Trump.Curse and hex the Trump psychopath.May the evil eye attend him and may his efforts fail...
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